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© 2025 Eighth Generation
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Thanks for supporting Inspired Natives™, not "Native Inspired."
Eighth Generation, the first Native-owned company to offer wool blankets, is honored to introduce John Isaiah Pepion (Blackfeet Nation) as the newe...
After receiving nearly 70 responses in our initial round of community feedback and meeting with members of the Two Spirit community here in Seattle...
This Valentine's Day, show your love for Native art by giving gifts that support Native artists and communities! Here's our top eight Valentine's D...
As you skim this list - which includes everything from nation media features to hyper local service projects - keep in mind that our company was fo...
At the end of November, we launched a Pop-Up Shop in our Busted Knuckle Gallery space with popular social media project, Vanishing Seattle. We orig...
When Louie walked into the Navigation Center, a 75 bed shelter here in Seattle, he saw 20,000 square feet of bare, white, institutional walls...and...
At Eighth Generation, we've seen what's possible when you support Inspired Natives, not "Native-inspired" - and have committed to supporting Inspir...
The goal of this project is to re-establish reverence for Two Spirit and LGBTQ+ Native people through the general symbolism of an honor blanket and...
We know that the support of our community helped get us where we are today. It's with this in mind that - as a small part of our broader giving - w...
There is a great demand for cultural art in today’s market, with everything from clothing to home goods to jewelry featuring Native American-inspir...
Two years ago when Eighth Generation launched wool blankets, we promised that 5% of our blanket profits would go towards Inspired Natives Grants. I...
Eighth Generation is celebrating the one year anniversary of the opening of our flagship store at Pike Place Market! For this special occasion, we'...