"Belonging is such an important aspect of raising strong children and people," shares Hopi-Tewa artist Monica Nuvamsa. "Belonging ties deeply to a person's identity and purpose in life." To help nurture that sense of belonging and connection, Monica has designed a set of three First Blessings Swaddle Blankets that share prayers for protection and wishes for a long and happy life, blanketing your baby in strength and purpose.
Every design element of Monica's First Blessings Swaddle Blankets has special significance. All three blankets are bordered by traditional Hopi colors of the four cardinal directions: yellow for north, blue for west, red for south, and white for east. "These are the directions from which all good blessings will come," shares Monica. The border designs are koyung'suru—turkey feathers—which provide warmth and security. Ears of qötsav’qaa’ö—white corn—are placed in the corners of each blanket to represent a mother’s protection; and a baby's first tihu (doll) and aaya (rattle) make an all-over print in the background.
The center of each First Blessings Swaddle Blanket is unique, carrying a special message to your baby:
- Father Sun Swaddle Blanket—In a soft yellow, Taawa, the Hopi sun symbol and father of all, radiates life
- Prayer for Abundance Swaddle Blanket—In a muted blue, Monica has designed a naawakinpi, a prayer for abundance in life that is represented by fields of corn
- Water Turtle Swaddle Blanket—In a gentle pink, a water turtle bears the symbols of bear paws and corn to symbolize a life path of strength and longevity
These blankets are meant for every baby—Native and non-Native alike—to use and enjoy. "I want parents to feel the gift of blessings that these blankets represent in the powerful symbols of love, security, warmth, and belonging every child deserves," shares Monica.
Eighth Generation's Swaddle Blankets were designed after important conversations Eighth Generation's team had with Native birthworkers and health experts at Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services and Native American Women's Dialogue on Infant Mortality (NAWDIM). Our Swaddle Blankets shine a critical light on the need for more equitable Native infant and mother healthcare and resources—read more the lifesaving work NAWDIM and Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services does to care for our babies, mothers, and community.
Product details:
- Pack of 3 swaddles, one of each design, designed by Monica Nuvamsa (Hopi-Tewa)
- Dimensions: 47 inches x 47 inches / 119 cm x 119 cm
- Fabric content: 100% organic cotton muslin
- Product care: machine wash normal, tumble dry warm, do not bleach